A Guide to Asbestos Testing Services in Des Moines

    Asbestos is a mineral that was once commonly used in building materials due to its strength, durability, and fire resistance. However, it has since been linked to serious health risks, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. That’s why it’s crucial to test for asbestos before undertaking any home improvement or renovation projects in your Des Moines home.

    In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about asbestos testing services in Des Moines.

    What is Asbestos?

    Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in the construction industry throughout the 20th century. It was commonly used in building materials such as insulation, roofing, flooring, and cement.

    When these materials are disturbed, asbestos fibers can be released into the air, which can be dangerous when inhaled. Because of the serious health risks associated with asbestos exposure, it’s important to know if your home contains this mineral.

    Why is Asbestos Testing Important?

    Asbestos testing is important because it can help you determine whether or not your home contains asbestos. If your home was built before the 1980s, it’s possible that it contains asbestos. By testing for asbestos, you can identify any potential health risks and take steps to address them before beginning any home improvement or renovation projects.

    How to Test for Asbestos

    Asbestos testing should be performed by a licensed and certified professional. At DW Zinser Demolition, we offer comprehensive asbestos testing services in Des Moines. Our team of experts will take samples of materials from your home and send them to a laboratory for analysis. If asbestos is found, we will work with you to develop a plan for safe removal.

    When Should You Test for Asbestos?

    If you’re planning any home improvement or renovation projects that involve disturbing building materials, it’s important to test for asbestos beforehand. This includes projects such as installing new insulation, replacing roofing materials, or removing flooring. Additionally, if you suspect that your home may contain asbestos, it’s important to have it tested as soon as possible.

    What to Do if Asbestos is Found

    If asbestos is found in your home, it’s important to take steps to address it immediately. Our team at DW Zinser Demolition can help you develop a plan for safe removal. Asbestos removal should always be performed by a licensed and certified professional to ensure that it’s done safely and properly. By working with our team, you can ensure that your home is free of asbestos and safe for you and your family.

    Asbestos testing is crucial for your health and safety during home improvement and renovation projects. By testing for asbestos before beginning any projects, you can identify any potential health risks and take steps to address them.

    Contact Us Today

    If you suspect that your home may contain asbestos, it’s important to have it tested as soon as possible. At DW Zinser Demolition, we offer comprehensive asbestos testing services in Des Moines. Contact us today to schedule your asbestos testing appointment.